Top 10 Benefits of Using an Employer of Record (EOR) to Hire from Africa

updated on 11 October 2024
EOR Providers in Africa
EOR Providers in Africa

Hiring in Africa can feel complex, especially if you're new to the idea. You don’t know the rules, you don’t speak the language and you have no idea where to start.

Take Nigeria, for instance. Did you know employers aren’t required to publish details like gender or ethnicity pay gaps? This information is considered sensitive personal data under the Nigerian Data Protection Act (NDPA) and can only be handled under specific conditions.

Another thing to keep in mind is how employment can be ended in South Africa. The employment law in South Africa says that after a probationary period, an employee shouldn’t be dismissed unless they’ve been given proper support and time to improve, but still fail to do so. If the employer skips this step and just ends the employment, it is considered a dismissal, which can lead to legal trouble.

Different countries, different laws, and a lot of paperwork. 

This is where an Employer of Record (EOR) comes into play. In this post, we’ll go over the top 10 benefits of using an EOR to hire from Africa. 

Benefits of using an EOR to hire from Africa

  1. Simplified Compliance with Local Labor Laws

Africa isn’t one big country, it’s a continent with over 50 countries, and each one has its own labor rules. Trying to figure out all these laws on your own can be overwhelming, and getting it wrong could lead to serious legal problems. An EOR is already familiar with the local labor laws in each country, so they handle all the compliance details for you. They ensure everything is done by the book, reducing the risk of fines or legal issues that could damage your business reputation.

2. Cost-Effective Global Expansion

Expanding your business globally often means setting up a new legal entity in the country you're entering. This can be a huge expense and take a lot of time. From legal fees to setting up local offices, the costs can quickly add up.

Instead of having to deal with all the complexities and costs of setting up a local entity, you can use an EOR to handle everything for you. The EOR is already set up and compliant with local laws, so you don’t have to worry about administrative headaches.

Companies using EOR services have found that they can save up to 60% on the costs associated with global expansion. That’s a significant reduction when you compare it to the expenses of setting up a new branch or office.

3. Faster Market Entry

When you're looking to enter a new market, especially one as diverse and complex as Africa, it can feel like you're stuck in a slow lane. Setting up operations from scratch often means dealing with long timelines; we are talking months of paperwork, navigating local regulations and establishing a legal entity. 

With an EOR, you can bypass much of this hassle. They handle all the local requirements, allowing you to start hiring and running your business much faster. Instead of waiting around, you can get your team in place and start operations sooner.

4. Access to a Diverse Talent Pool

Africa is home to a rapidly growing pool of talented professionals, especially in fields like technology, engineering and digital marketing. With many young, skilled workers emerging from top universities and tech hubs across the continent, there's a real opportunity to find the perfect fit for your team.

An EOR helps you tap into this diverse talent without having to handle all the local recruitment challenges yourself. They know the local job markets and can connect you with the right candidates from any country in Africa.

Quick links: If your business wants to hire amazing talent from Africa, our EOR and staffing services can make it easy and stress-free. 

5. Mitigated Risks and Liabilities

Hiring employees in another country can come with a lot of risks. For example, you might accidentally misclassify workers or overlook important local regulations. These mistakes can lead to fines and other issues that can be costly and time-consuming to fix.

An EOR takes on the responsibility of managing these risks. They handle employee classification and take care of any legal concerns that might come up. 

In simple terms, using an EOR means that you don’t have to worry as much about making mistakes with local employment laws. The EOR's job is to keep everything running smoothly and to protect your company from legal issues. So, if there’s a problem, they’re the ones who deal with it, not you.

6. Streamlined Payroll and Tax Management

Assuming you’re a company based in Europe looking to hire talent in Egypt. Without an EOR, you’d need to learn about Egyptian tax laws, set up a local payroll system and handle tax filings. That’s tedious.

Each country in Africa has its own rules and regulations about how employees should be paid and taxed. This also means you’d have to keep track of various tax rates, withholdings and deadlines, all while making sure everything is compliant with local laws. 

An EOR manages all these tasks and details for you. They handle payroll processing, make sure taxes are withheld correctly, and ensure that everything meets local compliance requirements. This means if there’s a mistake in the tax withholdings or payroll processing, the EOR sorts it out, saving you time and potential headaches.

7. Local Expertise and Market Insights

Understanding the local market in Africa is crucial if you want to hire effectively. Africa is a big continent with a lot of different countries, each with its own culture, laws and ways of doing business. If you don’t understand these differences, you could end up making mistakes that could cost you time and money.

For example, let’s say you’re trying to hire in Nigeria, but you’re unfamiliar with the country’s cultural norms. An EOR would know that in Nigeria, it’s important to understand the significance of certain holidays and how they might affect your business operations. They would also be aware of specific employment laws that could impact how you structure contracts and manage employees.

EOR providers in Africa have expertise on how businesses succeed in Africa; from the best ways to recruit talent to understanding local customs and labor laws. By having an EOR in Africa on your side, you get access to this valuable local knowledge without needing to learn everything yourself. 

8. Improved Focus on Core Business Operations

When you're trying to grow your business, the last thing you want is to be bogged down by the complexities of managing international HR. Hiring is a full-time job on its own. And let's be honest, time spent on HR is time not spent on what matters: growing your business.

Instead of juggling HR tasks like contracts, payroll and compliance, the EOR takes care of everything. They handle the essential details, allowing you to stay focused on your core business operations. Whether that’s scaling your product, entering new markets, or improving customer service, an EOR frees up your time and resources to concentrate on these crucial areas.

In simple terms, using an EOR lets you keep your eye on the bigger picture, while they handle the behind-the-scenes work that could otherwise slow you down.

9. Flexibility in Workforce Management

When you’re managing a global workforce, flexibility is key. Business needs change, and you might find yourself needing more people at one time and fewer at another. 

An EOR offers the flexibility to scale your team up or down based on your business needs. You’re not constrained by long-term commitments or complex contracts, making adjustments easy. Whether you need to quickly expand for a new project or downsize once it’s finished, an EOR simplifies the process.

If a tech company plans to launch a new product in several African countries. They might need a large team of developers and support staff at first but could need fewer people after the launch. With an EOR, they can easily adjust their workforce to match the changing demands of the project without getting bogged down by legal or administrative hassles. 

This flexibility not only saves time and money but also helps the company stay focused on its goals rather than getting caught up in managing staff changes.

10. Enhanced Employee Experience

Happy employees are more productive, and keeping them happy involves more than just paying them on time. It’s about offering benefits, making sure they feel secure in their jobs, and ensuring they don’t have to worry about compliance issues.

An Employer of Record (EOR) guarantees that your employees are paid promptly and consistently. They also manage benefits such as health insurance, allowing your employees to focus on their work without worrying about whether they’re receiving the benefits they deserve.

Studies have shown that employees who feel their needs are taken care of are more engaged and less likely to leave their jobs. When your employees are satisfied, they’re more likely to stay with your company, reducing turnover and helping your business grow.


From handling local labor laws to saving you money on setting up legal entities, an EOR makes it easier to tap into Africa's growing talent pool. If you’re thinking about expanding your team into Africa, using an EOR could be the smartest move you make. Workshift is specifically designed to make hiring from Africa straightforward and hassle-free. Contact us today to see how we can help you build your team in Africa.


What is an Employer of Record (EOR)?

An Employer of Record (EOR) is a service provider that takes care of all the legal and administrative aspects of hiring employees in a foreign country, like Africa. They become the legal employer on paper, handling everything from contracts to compliance, while you still manage the day-to-day work of the employees. 

What are the costs associated with EOR services in Africa?

The cost of using an EOR in Africa can vary depending on the country and the services you need. Typically, EOR providers charge a fee that could be a percentage of the employee's salary or a flat rate per employee. This fee covers things like payroll management, tax filings, and compliance with local labor laws. While there’s a cost involved, it’s often much cheaper than setting up your own legal entity in each country.

Can an EOR help with hiring in multiple African countries?

Yes, one of the biggest advantages of using an EOR is their ability to manage hiring across multiple African countries. Whether you’re looking to hire in just one country or several, an EOR has the local knowledge and legal expertise to handle everything seamlessly. 

How do I choose the right EOR provider?

Choosing the right EOR provider is crucial for a smooth hiring process. Start by looking at their experience and expertise in the African countries where you plan to hire. It’s also important to consider the range of services they offer, their reputation, and how well they understand local labor laws. Don’t forget to check their pricing structure and ensure there are no hidden fees. Lastly, make sure they provide strong customer support, as you’ll want a partner who can address any issues or questions that come up along the way.

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